How Sleep Apnea Affects Your Relationships in Texas

Sleep Apnea Affects The Ones Around You

If you’re having trouble sleeping due to sleep apnea, you’re not the only one being affected. In fact, it can also affect your sleep partners, and by extension the intimacy in your relationship. It’s known to be the third most common reason for divorce since it may result in couples sleeping in separate rooms and may create resentments between partners.


At Texas Dental Sleep Services, one of our providers can help you receive the right diagnosis so you get the effective treatment that alleviates symptoms. By doing so, we can protect you and your partner’s health as well as your relationship. We’re proud to offer sleep apnea services across Texas including Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and El Paso.

How Snoring Impacts Your Relationship

Untreated sleep apnea can increase your risk of developing health complications. Furthermore, your partner will feel the effects of your sleep apnea as well. Both you and your partner may experience:

Call our Dallas office at (833) 275-3372 if you and your partner are experiencing any of the symptoms above. Our providers can help you get a sleep study done and provide effective treatment.

Listen to the Concerns of Your Partner

If your loved one mentions you snore too much or that they’re worried because you often choke or gasp for air at night, listen to your partner. It’s important to see a doctor and conduct a sleep study.


Not seeking treatment can greatly impact your relationships with others. Sleep apnea makes it difficult to interact with people in your life due to the lack of sleep and frequent headaches. Furthermore, it can cause weight gain and reticle dysfunction, leading to intimacy problems in your relationship.

Benefits of Seeking Treatment

Seeking treatment allows you to see improvements in your life, your sleep quality, and by extension your relationship. Our providers offer oral appliances as an alternative to CPAP to help you sleep comfortably and soundly. Patients who receive treatment for sleep apnea, see positive changes in their life and health including:

Frequently Asked

Common signs include loud snoring, waking up gasping for air, excessive daytime fatigue, morning headaches, and trouble concentrating. If you or a loved one experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to get checked for sleep apnea. Early treatment can prevent long-term health issues

Yes, sleep apnea has been linked to several serious health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Treating sleep apnea can reduce these risks and improve your energy levels, mental clarity, and mood, allowing you to lead a healthier life.

Yes, a sleep study provides the most accurate diagnosis by measuring your breathing patterns and other factors while you sleep. It’s a simple, non-invasive way to determine if you have sleep apnea and how severe it is, allowing us to recommend the best treatment for you.

Treat Your Sleep Apnea with a TDSS Provider

If your snoring is affecting you and your sleep partner’s sleep, it’s time to seek treatment. Call our Dallas office at (833) 275-3372 to schedule an appointment. You can also fill out the contact form below and one of our staff will get back to you soon. We’re proud to provide effective sleep apnea treatment to patients in Texas, including Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and San Antonio, TX. We can’t wait to help you and your partners get the sleep they deserve.

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