Coming Soon

We will provide a description of how you can be treated for Sleep Apnea using a comfortable oral appliance that opens your airway allowing you to breath better while you sleep.

Coming Soon

We will provide a description of how you can be treated for Sleep Apnea using a comfortable oral appliance that opens your airway allowing you to breath better while you sleep.

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Oral Appliance

An effective, comfortable alternative to CPAP.

If you have been diagnosed with or suffer from sleep apnea, CPAP may not be the treatment for you. An oral appliance can be an effective alternative to help treat your snoring and sleep apnea. Studies have shown that these devices are more comfortable, easier to use and more convenient than CPAP therapy. If you have any questions or concerns about using a dental appliance to treat your sleep apnea, see your dentist today.

Why Choose a TDSS Dental Sleep Medicine Provider?

When it comes to addressing sleep-related conditions, such as sleep apnea, choosing the right healthcare provider is paramount. At TDSS, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional Dental Sleep Medicine providers who bring a range of benefits and expertise to their patients. Allow me to highlight a few compelling reasons why selecting a TDSS Dental Sleep Medicine Provider is a wise decision:

  1. Qualified and Vetted: Our providers have undergone specialized training from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. They have demonstrated their commitment to excellence and dedication to helping patients overcome the challenges associated with sleep disorders. Our clinical board with 80 years of experience ensures the highest standards by vetting each provider.
  2. Unparalleled Support: At TDSS, we understand the importance of ongoing support for our providers. That’s why we have a dedicated clinical team solely focused on assisting TDSS providers. This support includes mentoring, second opinions, access to the latest treatment options, and much more. By equipping our providers with these resources, we ensure that they can deliver optimal care and stay at the forefront of advancements in Dental Sleep Medicine.
  3. Insurance Coverage: We recognize that financial considerations play a significant role in healthcare decisions. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that our providers are In-Network with numerous major medical insurance carriers. By choosing a TDSS Dental Sleep Medicine Provider, you can minimize out-of-pocket costs and maximize the benefits provided by your insurance. This means more accessible and affordable care for you.

To connect with a TDSS Provider who can assist you effectively, simply complete the form below or give us a call today. We are committed to helping you find the right provider who can address your specific needs and guide you towards improved sleep health.

Thank you for considering TDSS for your Dental Sleep Medicine needs. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to better sleep and overall well-being.

Get Help for You or a Loved One.
Schedule a Consultation Today.

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(833) 275-3372

Mailing Address
12225 Greenville Ave, Suite 110
Dallas, Texas 75243

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Sleep Dentistry Services Across Texas

Texas Dental Sleep Services is made up of a team of dedicated, experienced in-network dentists providing snoring and sleep apnea care. Our network is constantly growing. We are currently serving the Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and the Valley (McAllen) greater areas.

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“You can tell how much this company cares for their patients and consistently work towards providing them with the highest quality service.”

— Kimberly M.

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Treatments for Sleep Apnea, Snoring & Facial Pain

The most commonly prescribed treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Though it’s effective, most patients complain that their CPAP machine is loud, uncomfortable, and awkward to use.

That’s why our providers offer oral appliances as an easy and effective alternative to CPAP. These small devices provide a number of benefits CPAP can’t because they’re:

  • Custom-made
  • Discreet
  • Portable
  • Quiet
  • Easy-to-use
  • Affordable
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Frequently Asked Questions

The most common type of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. It’s a serious medical condition that occurs when your mouth and throat muscles relax, causing a blockage in the airway. This makes you stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night, leading you to partially wake, usually gasping for air. 

Common symptoms of sleep apnea include: 

  • Loud snoring
  • Morning headaches
  • Excessive daytime fatigue
  • Irritability
  • And more

Sleep apnea is diagnosed with a test called a polysomnography, or a sleep study. Sleep studies are used to measure certain sleep patterns, like: 

  • Brain activity
  • Oxygen levels
  • Heart rate
  • Breathing patterns
  • Eye and leg movements 

Typically, you can complete your sleep study at an overnight sleep center with a certified physician providing supervision or in the comfort of your own home. At Texas Dental Sleep Services, we can refer you to a local sleep specialist to take a sleep study as necessary. After you’re diagnosed, Dr. Reed will discuss your treatment options and help determine the best solution for you.

To prepare for an at-home sleep test, Dr. Reed recommends following these helpful tips for an effective diagnosis:

  • Avoid napping on the day of your test 
  • Steer clear of caffeine after noon
  • Eat a full, well-balanced dinner
  • Eliminate distractions in the bedroom
  • Wind down and relax before going to sleep

Some insurance providers may cover a portion of your oral appliance. We recommend contacting your insurance provider ahead of time to get an understanding of your coverage. To make it easier, we’ll assist you with billing your insurance company and help you make the most of your benefits. We also offer payment and financing options to help make your care as affordable as possible.

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